With investment planning we provide a comprehensive approach to helping you achieve your personal and professional goals. Having a clear plan for your financial future can give you the confidence and knowledge to make sound financial decisions and have the freedom to live the way you want.
I use a structured approach to investments planning and investment management in order to help my clients achieve their investment objectives
The key to this approach is a process that enables me to more clearly identify investment goals and objectives, determine risk tolerance, both financial tolerance and emotional tolerance and structure a suitable portfolio.
- Assess the current situation - Planning for the future requires having a clear understanding of an investors current situation in relation to where they want to be. That requires a thorough assessment of current assets, liabilities, cash flow, and investments in light of the investors most important goals. Goals need to be clearly defined and quantified so that the assessment can identify any gaps between the current investment strategy and the stated goals. This step needs to include a discussion about the investors values, beliefs, and priorities, all of which set the course for developing an investment strategy.
- Establish Investment Objectives - Establishing investment objectives helps to serve as a guideline to align your investment activities with your financial goals and risk tolerance. These objectives are tailored to your unique circumstances, risk tolerance and time horizon. Determining how much risk an investor is willing and able to take, and how much volatility the investor can withstand, is key to formulating a portfolio strategy that can deliver the required returns with an acceptable level of risk.
- Monitor, Measure, and Rebalance - After implementing a portfolio plan, the management process begins. This includes monitoring the investments and measuring the portfolio’s performance relative to the benchmarks. It is necessary to report investment performance at regular intervals, typically quarterly, and to review the portfolio plan annually. The portfolio review determines if the allocation is still on target to track to your risk-reward profile. If it is not, then the portfolio can be rebalanced, selling investments that have reached their targets, and buying investments that offer greater upside potential.